Frequently Asked Questions

Are Pinky Promise parties open to those who are single or in a monogamous relationship?
Ofcourse! This party is open to everyone. Whether you come alone, with a friend, a lover or committed partner - all we ask for is for you to simply let yourself be free from any judgements or expectations on how your night must be and embrace the wild flow of the evening.

Can we have sex at your parties?
Our events are a place to celebrate sensuality, intimacy and the pleasurable moments that can be experienced between humans connecting with each another in a safe environment.

Sexual exploration is an intrinsic part that ties our community together. At our events we approach sensuality in a creative and playful way and offer safe spaces for intimacy. How you wish to express and explore this is entirely up to you. We encourage you to connect with yourself and others in a way that honours your boundaries and serves your desires.

Sex can be such a genital focused experience, but at our parties we invite you to challenge and evolve your perception of pleasure, especially beyond penetration. There’s no pressure to participate and there are plenty of spaces for flirting and more platonic means of connection. We seek to create an environment that fosters a healthy approach to ethical hedonism.

Do I have to engage with anyone or be sensual to have fun?
Absolutely not! There is no obligation to participate in anything you don’t feel comfortable with. We have a wide variety of activities for you to indulge in such as cabaret shows, interactive workshops, playful games, market stalls and the delicious array of DJ’s and live performances.

I identify as a straight cis individual - can I still come?
Whilst Pinky Promise is open to all, our parties ensure that we act as a safe space for queer, trans and/ or non-binary people. You are therefore very welcome to join us as long as you are an ally. Please read the rules page for more information.

Help! I don’t know what to wear!
We have a simple dress code policy: Dress to express! We want everyone to feel most comfortable within themselves whilst at our events and would not wish for you to appear to be anyone that you aren’t. Present your soft & sensual seductive spirit! Daring, Decadent & Fierce! Our temple of expression contains no judgement, only celebration! Elevate your shine, embody your sparkle, show us your glow! See more inspiration here:

Is nudity allowed?
Our parties are a space for you to fully embrace yourself free of judgement and shame. We recognise that for many the act of being fully nude is a way of reclaiming the confidence in your body. Whilst we fully support this, we also require you to still adhere to our dress code as we recognise that for some people who attend our parties, the sight of someone naked approaching them can be triggering for them. We therefore ask you to be considerate of those around you and don’t assume that everyone will be comfortable with your naked presence.

I really want to come but I don’t have enough money to afford a ticket.
Our events are founded on the principle of inclusivity and therefore we would not wish for anyone to not be able to attend due to lack of funds. If the ticket price is too substantive for you please message us as we have a limited amount of low income tickets available.

What precautionary measures will you be putting in place to ensure that this is as safe as possible to attend?
Pinky Promise is a space for everyone to feel welcome. We have a zero tolerance policy for harassment, unwanted touch, homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, ableist, or ageist behaviour. ALWAYS ask for consent before engaging intimately with someone. State your boundaries. If someone makes you uncomfortable, for ANY reason, you should let them know. If you wish to express any concerns or feel uncomfortable or unsafe at any point during the night please speak to one of the Pinky Patrol members who are wearing a pink hi vis. They will be roaming around the spaces and will be available for you at any time. We will believe you and we will help.

Whilst our spaces are a place for celebration, they are also an environment that supports us to embrace our vulnerabilities. Men - we ask you to please be aware of your presence in such spaces and whilst you might think you are ‘one of the good guys’, you need to recognise that such environments that explore sexuality are still deeply challenging spaces to exist in so please have a high level of awareness about your actions and the way you engage with others.

If you feel we haven’t yet answered one of your questions please email us on